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Health Anxiety, Physical Symptoms and Illness

Are you struggling with chronic health conditions like IBS, fibromyalgia, persistent headaches, or ongoing back pain? When conventional medical treatments and medications haven't provided relief, there's another approach worth exploring.  These challenging conditions often have deeper roots in the subconscious mind, which governs your body's responses and healing processes. Through proven mind-body therapies – hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), and PSYCH-K – we can help reprogram limiting beliefs that may be maintaining your symptoms. By updating your subconscious programming, you can finally break free from long-standing health issues and experience lasting relief.

Hypnotherapy for IBS, headaches, backache, fibromyalgia

Many chronic conditions are perpetuated by subconscious programming

While symptoms manifest physically, many chronic conditions are perpetuated by subconscious programming, negative thought patterns, and limiting beliefs. These may appear as a result of continued messaging or through life experiences. Your mind assigns its very own personal meaning to every experience you have, based upon your unique life experience and outlook.

Release Health Fears and Restore Confidence

After experiencing a health challenge or medical trauma, many people develop an understandable fear of recurrence. This hypervigilance can create a cycle where constant monitoring and worry actually increase stress levels in the body. Through our mind-body approach, we help you release these anxious thought patterns and restore your confidence in your body's natural healing abilities. By updating outdated "danger" programming in your subconscious mind, you can move forward without being held captive by past health experiences.

Therapies that can greatly improve conditions

Using a unique combination of 3 therapies you can look forward to physical changes and relief in your symptoms - Cognitive Hypnotherapy, NLP and PSYCH-K. Through Cognitive Hypnotherapy, you can enter a focused state of calm allowing direct communication with the subconscious. This enables reprogramming of unhelpful beliefs contributing to chronic symptoms like IBS, fibromyalgia pain, migraines, and more. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) explores the language-behavior connection. NLP techniques help disrupt limiting patterns, develop healthy new neural pathways, and cultivate empowering beliefs about healing. PSYCH-K is a unique process that directly updates your subconscious mind with positive beliefs that support optimal wellness. By releasing self-sabotaging programs, your body's innate healing ability can be liberated.


Don't let chronic conditions dictate your well-being any longer, take the first step by calling 07919 577 512 today to learn about updating your subconscious programming for radically improved mind-body health.

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